A Message from the President & CEO

As President/CEO of the Deer Park Chamber of Commerce, I would like to welcome you to Deer Park’s only business organization working full-time to do what no person can do by himself or herself for the City of Deer Park. You might ask yourself, “What does she mean?” so let me explain.
The Deer Park Chamber of Commerce is the business community focused on working together to enhance the economic vitality of our members and the quality of life in Deer Park.
As a member, this is YOUR Chamber of Commerce. We want to be considered your most valuable, yet lowest-paid employee; taking as much interest as a partner but leaving you to be the boss. Many business and professional executives voluntarily work on committees to improve your business opportunities and living enjoyment in Deer Park.
In serving businesses interested in doing business in Deer Park, we are devoted to activities designed to create more community wealth. We collectively look for solutions to your business concerns in order to make your business prosperous.
The Deer Park Chamber of Commerce serves as a clearinghouse of information for prospective industrialists, visitors, potential and current residents, and area businesses interested in learning more about working, playing, and living in Deer Park.
Through this collaborative effort, your Chamber of Commerce is working daily as an organization with a definite “know-how” in community development. If you are not yet a member we would be honored to have you on our team, if you are already a member please get involved. If you feel you don’t have time please let us know how we can serve you.
In this Membership Packet, you will find many opportunities for your business and for assistance in helping to maintain and improve the quality of life in Deer Park. Remember, collectively we can do what no one person can do by him or herself. We can collectively tell everyone why “IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE IN DEER PARK!"
Paula Moorhaj, IOM
Deer Park Chamber of Commerce